The Ancient One
1 min readJun 20, 2020


A Tribute to All My Fathers

LEFT: Papa and me ❤ RIGHT TOP: World’s coolest bosses, my Ph.D. advisor Dr. Schooley (right) and my mentor Dr. Hikmet (left) at my Masters’ commencement. RIGHT BOTTOM: Chacha-Beti (uncle-daughter). All rights reserved.

As fathers’ day is approaching this weekend,
Summer about to roll in with a storm and a downpour unprecedented,
I am sitting in my riverside balcony on a calm cloudy Friday evening,
Before the tough times ahead, waters uncharted.

I thank my fathers this evening for their support when I felt dejected with life’s chaos,
For times of their hand holding when I was young and naive and they were kind,
For their love and care when I was alone, afar from family,
For their belief in me, in my spirit and my mind,

For I have one biological father,
A man who created and raised me, strong, free and right,
Today I have but many fathers to celebrate: my academic fathers, uncles, grandfathers
Who have fortified my character, uplifted my spirit and have always stood by me tight.

Dedicated to all father figures in my life, for their endless encouragement, support and love. I am forever grateful and I love you all.



The Ancient One

Philosopher. PhD. Scientist. Engineer. Professor. Mentor. Aunt. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Cyclist. Warrior. Complex Trauma Survivor. Divorcee. Woman. Human.